Top Tips for Sorting and Storing Books

Imagine walking into a room adorned with shelves upon shelves of books. The air is filled with the familiar scent of paper and ink, and you feel a sense of calm wash over you. Books have a way of transporting us to different worlds, introducing us to new ideas, and providing us with endless hours of entertainment. But with a growing collection of books comes the challenge of keeping them organized and well-preserved. We will explore some top tips for sorting and storing books, ensuring that your beloved collection remains in pristine condition for years to come.

Whether you are a seasoned bookworm or a casual reader, these tips will help you create a functional and beautiful space for your books. So, let's dive in!

Before embarking on the journey of organizing your books, it is essential to assess your collection and sort them into categories. This process not only helps you gain a better understanding of your books but also allows you to create a system that suits your preferences.

Firstly, take a moment to appreciate the diversity of your collection. Are you a fan of fiction, non-fiction, or a mix of both? Do you have books from various genres, such as mystery, romance, or science fiction? Once you have a clear picture of the types of books you own, you can start sorting them accordingly.

One effective way to sort your books is by genre. By grouping books of similar genres together, you can easily find what you're looking for when the mood strikes. Consider creating sections for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and any other genres you may have. Within each section, further organize books alphabetically by author or title, whichever you prefer. This method not only adds a sense of order to your collection but also creates a visually appealing arrangement on your shelves.

Now that you have sorted your books into categories, it's time to create an inviting book display. Think of your bookshelves as a canvas waiting to be filled with art. With a little creativity, you can transform your shelves into a visual delight that showcases both your love for books and your unique personality.

One way to add visual interest to your book display is by incorporating decorative elements. Consider interspersing your books with small plants, framed photographs, or trinkets that hold sentimental value. These personal touches not only break up the monotony of rows of books but also make your shelves feel like a reflection of yourself.

Another way to create an aesthetically pleasing display is by arranging your books in different orientations. Instead of strictly adhering to the traditional upright placement, try stacking some books horizontally or leaning them at an angle. This adds a dynamic and visually appealing element to your shelves, making them more visually engaging.

Preserving the condition of your books is crucial for maintaining their longevity. Implementing proper storage techniques will help protect your books from damage caused by sunlight, humidity, and dust.

Firstly, consider the location of your bookshelves. Direct sunlight can fade book covers and cause damage over time. Place your shelves away from windows or use curtains or blinds to shield your books from harsh sunlight. Additionally, avoid storing books in areas prone to high humidity or extreme temperature fluctuations, such as basements or attics. Opt for a well-ventilated room with stable temperature and humidity levels to ensure the longevity of your collection.

When arranging your books on the shelves, leave enough space between each book to allow for proper air circulation. This prevents books from becoming musty and helps reduce the risk of mold growth. Bookends can also be used to provide stability and ensure that books remain upright.

Sorting and storing books may seem like a daunting task, but with these top tips, you can transform it into a joyful and rewarding experience. By assessing and sorting your books, creating an inviting book display, and implementing proper storage techniques, you can ensure that your collection remains well-organized and beautifully preserved.

So, why wait? Grab your favorite book and start organizing your collection today. Your future self will thank you for it!

"Joy Checking" Post-KonMari Method

The KonMari Method is supposed to be a magical once in a lifetime process. After performing the method in 2019 to my home, maintaining those existing storage solutions has been straight forward without any issue. HOWEVER, what happens when my life changes and evolves? Everything I did back in 2019 made sense up until mid 2020 and now 2021.

With the pandemic hitting, I needed to pivot to create a workspace for my engineering job along with a home gym. I also had a roommate move out in September 2020 freeing up lots of closet and garage storage space that were his portions of the home I did not organize and declutter. In December of 2020, my partner moved into my home with many of her possessions.

All of these life transitions required me to re-address many of the categories of the KonMari method - Clothing, Books, Komono.

Clothing - My clothing style has changed much since 2019. I have become a Lululemon believer for business attire, casual attire, and workout gear. I was able to go in and swiftly joy check all of the clothing subcategories with this new vision of my style in a matter of an afternoon and consolidate my closet to 1/3 the space. The other 2/3rds I am leaving for my partner to store her items once she is ready to take action.

Books - When I performed the method the first time, I was in a transition for my engineering job and kept lots of my technical content that I needed to reference. In the current direction I am now headed, many technical books got to find a better home.

Komono - During the pandemic, I started roasting lots of coffee and my green bean collection was growing up to 60+ pounds. Coffee storage really needed its own home, so now they are in a single 20 gallon tub in my closet. With my roommate moving out, I also got to re-evaluate many of the closet storage areas by adding vertical space.

Many of the photos you can find on my Instagram feed :)

Just because you did the method once, you could probably use a touch up here or there as your life evolves.