Tips for an Organized Office Space

Have you ever walked into an office space that immediately inspired you? Everything is in its place, clutter is non-existent, and there's a sense of calm and productivity in the air. Organizing an office space is not just about tidying up, but also about creating an environment that promotes focus, creativity, and efficiency. In this blog post, we will explore some practical tips for organizing your office space that will not only help you stay organized but also inspire you to do your best work.

Imagine entering an office where the desks are neatly arranged, the files are perfectly labeled, and the shelves are filled with books and plants. The colors are soothing, and the lighting is just right. This kind of environment can have a profound impact on your work performance and overall well-being. So, let's dive into some tips that will help you create an inspiring and organized office space.

In order to create an inspiring office space, the first step is to declutter and simplify your surroundings. Clutter can be a major distraction and can hinder your ability to focus and be productive. Start by going through all the items in your office and getting rid of anything that is no longer useful or necessary. Be ruthless in your decluttering process and only keep the essentials.

Once you have decluttered, it's time to simplify. Simplifying means keeping things minimal and organized. Invest in storage solutions such as bins, shelves, and file organizers to keep everything in its place. Label everything clearly so that you can easily find what you need when you need it. By simplifying your office space, you will create a clean and organized environment that will inspire you to work efficiently.

Furthermore, consider the layout and arrangement of your office furniture. Keep your desk clear of unnecessary items and only have the essentials within reach. Arrange your furniture in a way that allows for easy movement and flow. A clutter-free and well-organized office space will not only make you feel more productive but also create a calming and inspiring atmosphere.

Now that you have decluttered and simplified your office space, it's time to add some personal touches and inspire yourself. Personalizing your office space can help create a sense of ownership and make you feel more comfortable and motivated. Hang up pictures of loved ones, display artwork that inspires you, or add a touch of greenery with some plants. Choose colors that evoke positive emotions and create a calming atmosphere.

In addition to personalizing your office space, it's important to surround yourself with inspiration. Place books related to your field of work on your shelves for easy access. Display quotes or images that motivate and inspire you. Consider creating a vision board where you can pin up your goals and aspirations. By surrounding yourself with inspiration, you will create an environment that sparks creativity and encourages you to do your best work.

Moreover, pay attention to the lighting in your office space. Natural light is ideal, so if possible, position your desk near a window. If natural light is limited, invest in good quality artificial lighting that mimics natural light. Proper lighting not only enhances your mood but also helps reduce eye strain and fatigue, making your office space more inviting and inspiring.

Organizing an office space is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. To maintain an organized and inspiring office, it's important to establish systems and routines. Create a system for managing paperwork, whether it's a physical filing system or a digital one. Set aside time each week to declutter and tidy up your office space. This will prevent clutter from piling up and ensure that your office remains organized and inspiring.

Additionally, establish routines that help you stay focused and productive. Set specific work hours and create a daily to-do list to keep yourself on track. Prioritize your tasks and break them down into manageable chunks. By establishing systems and routines, you will not only stay organized but also create a sense of structure and discipline in your work life.

Finally, don't forget to take regular breaks and incorporate moments of relaxation and inspiration into your workday. Step away from your desk, stretch your legs, and engage in activities that rejuvenate your mind and body. This will help prevent burnout and keep you motivated to maintain an organized and inspiring office space.

An organized office space is more than just a clean and clutter-free environment. It is a space that inspires and motivates you to do your best work. By following these tips for organizing your office space, you can create an environment that promotes focus, creativity, and efficiency. Remember to declutter and simplify, personalize and inspire, and establish systems and routines. With a well-organized and inspiring office space, you will be well on your way to increased productivity and success.

Top Tips for Sorting and Storing Books

Imagine walking into a room adorned with shelves upon shelves of books. The air is filled with the familiar scent of paper and ink, and you feel a sense of calm wash over you. Books have a way of transporting us to different worlds, introducing us to new ideas, and providing us with endless hours of entertainment. But with a growing collection of books comes the challenge of keeping them organized and well-preserved. We will explore some top tips for sorting and storing books, ensuring that your beloved collection remains in pristine condition for years to come.

Whether you are a seasoned bookworm or a casual reader, these tips will help you create a functional and beautiful space for your books. So, let's dive in!

Before embarking on the journey of organizing your books, it is essential to assess your collection and sort them into categories. This process not only helps you gain a better understanding of your books but also allows you to create a system that suits your preferences.

Firstly, take a moment to appreciate the diversity of your collection. Are you a fan of fiction, non-fiction, or a mix of both? Do you have books from various genres, such as mystery, romance, or science fiction? Once you have a clear picture of the types of books you own, you can start sorting them accordingly.

One effective way to sort your books is by genre. By grouping books of similar genres together, you can easily find what you're looking for when the mood strikes. Consider creating sections for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and any other genres you may have. Within each section, further organize books alphabetically by author or title, whichever you prefer. This method not only adds a sense of order to your collection but also creates a visually appealing arrangement on your shelves.

Now that you have sorted your books into categories, it's time to create an inviting book display. Think of your bookshelves as a canvas waiting to be filled with art. With a little creativity, you can transform your shelves into a visual delight that showcases both your love for books and your unique personality.

One way to add visual interest to your book display is by incorporating decorative elements. Consider interspersing your books with small plants, framed photographs, or trinkets that hold sentimental value. These personal touches not only break up the monotony of rows of books but also make your shelves feel like a reflection of yourself.

Another way to create an aesthetically pleasing display is by arranging your books in different orientations. Instead of strictly adhering to the traditional upright placement, try stacking some books horizontally or leaning them at an angle. This adds a dynamic and visually appealing element to your shelves, making them more visually engaging.

Preserving the condition of your books is crucial for maintaining their longevity. Implementing proper storage techniques will help protect your books from damage caused by sunlight, humidity, and dust.

Firstly, consider the location of your bookshelves. Direct sunlight can fade book covers and cause damage over time. Place your shelves away from windows or use curtains or blinds to shield your books from harsh sunlight. Additionally, avoid storing books in areas prone to high humidity or extreme temperature fluctuations, such as basements or attics. Opt for a well-ventilated room with stable temperature and humidity levels to ensure the longevity of your collection.

When arranging your books on the shelves, leave enough space between each book to allow for proper air circulation. This prevents books from becoming musty and helps reduce the risk of mold growth. Bookends can also be used to provide stability and ensure that books remain upright.

Sorting and storing books may seem like a daunting task, but with these top tips, you can transform it into a joyful and rewarding experience. By assessing and sorting your books, creating an inviting book display, and implementing proper storage techniques, you can ensure that your collection remains well-organized and beautifully preserved.

So, why wait? Grab your favorite book and start organizing your collection today. Your future self will thank you for it!

How to maintain your kitchen drawers after decluttering

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed every time you open your kitchen drawers? Do you struggle to find the utensils or tools you need because everything is jumbled up together? If you've recently decluttered your kitchen and created dedicated spaces for everything, then congratulations! You've taken the first step towards a more organized kitchen. However, maintaining that organization can be a challenge. We'll share some of the best tips for keeping your kitchen drawers organized, so you can spend less time searching for what you need and more time enjoying your culinary creations.

Divide Your Drawers

One of the most important things you can do to maintain kitchen drawer organization is to divide your drawers into sections. This will help you keep everything in its place and make it easier to find what you need. There are a few ways you can divide your drawers:

1. Use Drawer Dividers: Drawer dividers are an easy and affordable way to create sections in your drawers. You can find them in a variety of materials, including plastic, bamboo, and metal. Use them to separate your utensils, measuring cups and spoons, and other small kitchen tools.

2. Create Your Own Dividers: If you're feeling creative, you can make your own drawer dividers using cardboard, foam board, or even popsicle sticks. This is a fun and budget-friendly way to customize your drawer organization.

3. Use Drawer Organizers: Drawer organizers come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be used to hold larger kitchen items, such as pots and pans, cutting boards, and baking sheets. They can be made of plastic, metal, or wire mesh and are a great way to keep your drawers neat and tidy.

Use Labels

Labels are an essential tool for maintaining kitchen drawer organization. They help you quickly identify where everything belongs and make it easier to put things back in their proper place. Here are some tips for using labels in your kitchen drawers:

1. Use Clear Labels: Clear labels are a great option because they don't obstruct your view of the drawer's contents. You can use a label maker or write on clear tape with a permanent marker.

2. Label Both Sides: If you have deep drawers, consider labeling both sides of your dividers or organizers. This will make it easier to find what you need, no matter which side of the drawer you're on.

3. Update Labels Regularly: As you add new items to your kitchen, make sure to update your labels. This will help you avoid confusion and keep your drawers organized over time.

Make it a Habit

The most important part of maintaining kitchen drawer organization is making it a habit. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track:

1. Clean As You Go: Make it a habit to clean and organize your drawers as you use them. This will prevent clutter from building up and make it easier to maintain your organization over time.

2. Create a Routine: Set aside a specific time each week to check your kitchen drawers and make any necessary adjustments. This will ensure that your organization stays on track.

3. Involve Your Family: If you live with others, make sure to involve them in your organization efforts. Teach them where everything belongs and encourage them to help keep the drawers tidy.

Maintaining kitchen drawer organization may seem daunting, but with the right tools and habits, it can be easy and even enjoyable. Remember to divide your drawers, use labels, and make it a habit to keep everything in its place. With these tips, you'll be able to enjoy a more organized and efficient kitchen in no time.

Get your garage organized for the summer!

Summer is almost here, and it's time to enjoy the warm weather, outdoor activities, and family time. However, before you start planning your summer trips and backyard barbecues, it's essential to organize your garage. As busy parents and working professionals, it's easy to let the clutter pile up, and the garage becomes the dumping ground for everything that doesn't fit inside the house. But an organized garage can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run. We'll discuss the reasons why it's important to organize your garage for the summer time.

Safety First

The garage is one of the most neglected areas of the house, and it can be a safety hazard for your family. A cluttered garage makes it difficult to move around and find what you need, increasing the risk of tripping and falling. Old and unused items can also be a breeding ground for pests and rodents, putting your family's health at risk. Additionally, if you have young children, it's crucial to keep hazardous materials like chemicals, power tools, and sharp objects out of their reach. By organizing your garage, you can create a safer environment for your family, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Start by decluttering your garage and getting rid of anything that you no longer need or use. Sort items into piles of keep, donate, and throw away. Store hazardous materials in a locked cabinet or on high shelves out of reach of children. Install proper lighting and clear pathways for easy access to items. By taking these steps, you can create a safer garage for your family.

Moreover, you can add a personal touch to your organized garage by painting the walls with bright colors, installing a fan or air conditioning, and adding a workbench for your DIY projects. The possibilities are endless, and an organized garage will give you the peace of mind that your family is safe.

Save Time and Money

As busy parents and working professionals, time is a precious commodity. The last thing you want to do on a hot summer day is spend hours searching for your camping gear or sports equipment. An organized garage can save you time and money by making it easy to find what you need when you need it.

Start by categorizing your items and storing them in clearly labeled bins or shelves. This will make it easy to find what you need without having to dig through piles of clutter. Invest in sturdy storage solutions that can withstand the summer heat and humidity. You can also create a system to rotate your seasonal items, like holiday decorations and winter clothes, to free up space for your summer gear.

An organized garage can also save you money by preventing items from getting lost or damaged. With everything in its place, you won't have to replace lost items or buy duplicates. You can also identify items that need repairs or maintenance before they become costly problems.

Summer Enjoyment

Finally, an organized garage can help you enjoy your summer to the fullest. With everything in its place, you can spend less time worrying about the clutter and more time enjoying the warm weather and outdoor activities with your family and friends.

Take advantage of your newly organized garage by planning fun summer activities like camping, gardening, and sports. Store your camping gear, bikes, and sports equipment in designated areas for easy access. Create a space for gardening tools and supplies and start a vegetable garden.

An organized garage is not only a practical solution for busy parents and working professionals, but it's also a way to create a safer, more enjoyable, and stress-free summer. Take the time to declutter, categorize, and store your items in a way that works for you and your family. With a little effort and creativity, you can transform your garage into a functional and inviting space that adds value to your home and your quality of life.

SD Voyager Interview

Wow! A few months back I was fortunate enough to get another media feature in the SD Voyager magazine where I got to share my experience of coming from a non-traditional background in this industry. I love being able to help my clients declutter and organize their spaces each and every opportunity I get. Here is the link to that article:

"Joy Checking" Post-KonMari Method

The KonMari Method is supposed to be a magical once in a lifetime process. After performing the method in 2019 to my home, maintaining those existing storage solutions has been straight forward without any issue. HOWEVER, what happens when my life changes and evolves? Everything I did back in 2019 made sense up until mid 2020 and now 2021.

With the pandemic hitting, I needed to pivot to create a workspace for my engineering job along with a home gym. I also had a roommate move out in September 2020 freeing up lots of closet and garage storage space that were his portions of the home I did not organize and declutter. In December of 2020, my partner moved into my home with many of her possessions.

All of these life transitions required me to re-address many of the categories of the KonMari method - Clothing, Books, Komono.

Clothing - My clothing style has changed much since 2019. I have become a Lululemon believer for business attire, casual attire, and workout gear. I was able to go in and swiftly joy check all of the clothing subcategories with this new vision of my style in a matter of an afternoon and consolidate my closet to 1/3 the space. The other 2/3rds I am leaving for my partner to store her items once she is ready to take action.

Books - When I performed the method the first time, I was in a transition for my engineering job and kept lots of my technical content that I needed to reference. In the current direction I am now headed, many technical books got to find a better home.

Komono - During the pandemic, I started roasting lots of coffee and my green bean collection was growing up to 60+ pounds. Coffee storage really needed its own home, so now they are in a single 20 gallon tub in my closet. With my roommate moving out, I also got to re-evaluate many of the closet storage areas by adding vertical space.

Many of the photos you can find on my Instagram feed :)

Just because you did the method once, you could probably use a touch up here or there as your life evolves.

Life At Home: March - June

Where have I been and what have I been up to these past 3 months since the start of COVID in America? What does the future of home organization look like for me? Let’s find out.

Most of you probably have seen my last Thought post of coming back from London right at the start of the virus happenings in America, but here we are exactly 3 months later. Once returning home, my day job as an Engineer transferred to working from home. I ended up created my “office space” in the kitchen, a place I never thought I would end up working from.

March 2020 - Kitchen Table Office

March 2020 - Kitchen Table Office

It was also really interesting going to the grocery store to get basics as everyone was panic purchasing at the time. Everyone at this time was also afraid of everyone else breathing on each other it seemed. The beaches and boardwalks were closed. Gyms were closed. The only time I left my house was to go for afternoon runs.

Panic buying of paper products at Ralph’s in Pacific Beach

Panic buying of paper products at Ralph’s in Pacific Beach

It took a few weeks for me to get into the swing of things being at home most of the time. I laid out some goals I wanted to achieve during this time.

Build a gym and maintain normal workouts. Weights were very difficult to acquire during this time but after enough persistence and Amazon pre-ordering I was able to build a full set of 10-35 pounds dumbbells with a bench.

Home Gym Setup

Home Gym Setup

Roasting my own coffee beans - I’ve always been a fan of great coffee and usually purchased beans for the weekends from micro roasters from all over the place. I was going through coffee really fast at home now and wanted to find a way to reduce spending while getting great quality coffee still. I purchased a Popcorn roaster to start with. Most beginners go down this path - So far i’ve roasted around 10 pounds of beans from various sources since April. I love being able to consume something that I’ve made myself! Please reach out if you are interested in this hobby!

Home Coffee Roasting!

Home Coffee Roasting!

Roasted Beans

Roasted Beans

Playing guitar more frequently. I decided to re-arrange my music setup to have everything I needed in one corner of my home to allow playing music on any instrument or amplifier instant. I’ve somehow enjoyed playing Nickelback and Creed songs regardless of what others may think about them. It was a running joke to play their songs in our household but it really caught on. Just ask Justin or Natalie next time around.

Living Room Music Corner

Living Room Music Corner

Start bicycling again. I recently traded one of my road bikes for a gravel bike and have been riding the neighborhood and fiesta island multiple times a week. It’s been an enjoyable way of getting fresh air and exercise at the same time. Fiesta is closed to vehicle traffic for almost another month so I can do laps around it without worrying about cars trying to run me over.

2019 Giant Anyroad 1 Gravel Bike

2019 Giant Anyroad 1 Gravel Bike

The last thing that I’ve enjoyed doing was standard household maintenance. I cleaned my dryer vent out since laundry was taking longer times to dry. I don’t think it’s ever been cleaned in the 20+ years my condo has been around. Sometimes it’s the little things that give you enjoyment and satisfaction.

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer Vent Cleaning

I’ve done a lot of self-satisfying things, but where does Home Organization currently stand in my life? The entire industry was basically shut down during COVID so I really knew it wasn’t worth my efforts to put in much work if I couldn’t go into someone’s home at the time to help them declutter and store items. As the state of California slowly has been re-opening again, I’ve started back up doing sessions with existing trusted clients. Just this past weekend I was able to help a client re-organize an entire kitchen storage and pantry!

Konmari Kitchen Session Sample

Konmari Kitchen Session Sample

I want to keep helping as many people as I can with their clutter moving forward - virtually or safely in person. I know it’ll take time for the industry to get rolling again but I’ll be ready for any twists or turns that come my way throughout the process.

Stay safe. Stay well.

Adventures in London during COVID-19

Natalie and I recently returned from the United Kingdom on 3/15 during the happenings of COVID-19. What was planned to be a 10 day trip got cut a little short and a few countries that we intended on visiting were skipped due to changing circumstances. We made the most out of our short journey and got to experience great culture, historical aspects, and many consumable items. I think this medium is a great spot to document the experience of what was planned versus what we actually did with some photos and insights of each day!

The Planning Phase

Back in October 2019 I had another itch to do a trip over the Atlantic Ocean after my month long Europe trip in 2016 that brought me to Ireland, Romania, Chez Republic, and France. Natalie had never been overseas before and it was a priority for her to go to Paris and other spots in Europe. I was monitoring Scott’s Cheap Flights prior to this time for low cost opportunities to get my behind in an 10+ hour airplane seat once again. We were in luck at the end of October as round trips from Los Angeles to London in the sub 400’s had come up. I talked to Natalie and found her availability which was about 2 weeks in March or sometime in May. Her birthday was also March 15 and would be during this duration and what better way to spend a birthday than in Europe and hopefully Paris! On October 24, we made the booking to depart March 10 and return March 20 (which is the day i’m typing this).

Over the next few months some ideas were thrown around of where we wanted to go and what we wanted to see. I was pretty open to most attractions and destinations. Natalie’s high priority was to see the Paris Opera Ballet perform George Balanchine at the Opera Bastille on March 14. Tickets to the show were acquired February 11 and gave us a baseline of how to plan around this. Another big show that she wanted to see was the Royal Ballet performing Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House in London March 12. After some discussion with peers who have traveled before we decided on visiting Amsterdam after Paris. After booking all the train tickets our city schedule looked like this 

London: March 11- March 13

Paris: March 13 - March 17

Amsterdam: March 17 - March 19

London: March 19 - 20

With that notional schedule in mind, I was able to fill in a day to day itinerary spreadsheet with attractions from each city around ticketed events and add in time for shopping and leisure. See screenshot below for our “working schedule”

Working schedule of Europe Trip

Working schedule of Europe Trip

As we got closer to our trip COVID-19 was becoming more of a concern but no travel advisories were in place yet besides Italy. France was taking precautions at some monuments by only allowing online ticket purchasers to enter the facilities. With that in mind, I pre-purchased tickets to most of the places we wanted to see in both Paris and London. London at this time still had no restrictions at all.

The Journey (from the time zone we were in)

March 10 - Tuesday

It was March 10 the day of our departure; we had everything ready to roll to LAX and start the trip. We departed San Diego for the airport around noon just to account for some traffic and buffer time to make our 7:30 pm flight. After getting to the airport we were able to relax for a few hours in the Korean Airline Lounge at the International Terminal and reflect on the adventure we were about to have. We boarded our flight and off we went. I spent most of the flight taking many mini naps while jamming out to some pre-downloaded tunes on my phone. Natalie ended up watching a few movies. 

March 11 - Wednesday

We landed in London an hour early at 1 pm! We navigated the tube to our hotel on the London West End. 

After riding the tube for the first time it really makes you think about how horrible public transportation is all over California. In most cases out there its quicker to hop on the tube to get to your destination rather than a car or taxi. You don’t have to plan times very much as the trains come every few minutes for almost all routes making connections easy in the same underground stations. All payments can be done through Apple Pay also so you don’t need to keep track of a decreasing balance on a pre-paid card.

After getting to the Double Tree West End hotel, we were upgraded to a King Premier Deluxe room with my Hilton Diamond status from originally a standard double room. Score! The room was remodeled recently and reminded me of a standard upscale American hotel room. I heard that hotel rooms were tiny in London so this was a surprise to me. After being on a plane for hours, it was time to clean up and head on out. After some polling around for spots to have afternoon tea - Fortnum and Mason made the cut as the one we would go to. Natalie’s friend Karin was in town and decided to meet up for tea also. We made a quick stop to the Freed ballet store on the way to Tea to snag some goodies for the ballet lover.

Tea at Fortnum and Mason - 3/11/20

Tea at Fortnum and Mason - 3/11/20

Tea Hall at Fortnum and Mason - 3/11/20

Tea Hall at Fortnum and Mason - 3/11/20

After tea was over, we decided to see some sights such as Big Ben, House of Parliament, and the London Eye. Seeing these landmarks in the dark for the first time was pretty neat. 

London Eye - 3/11/20

London Eye - 3/11/20

Big Ben (under construction) - 3/11/20

Big Ben (under construction) - 3/11/20

Westminster Abbey (closed at night) - 3/11/20

Westminster Abbey (closed at night) - 3/11/20

The next stop was to find a pub to have a drink at. The first one we walked across and entered was called the Silver Cross which had many great real ales on cask. 

Silver Cross - 3/11/20

Silver Cross - 3/11/20

Another highly recommended pub was Brew Dog SoHo which we headed over to afterwards. I love this spot. They had so many great tasting beers on draft from the UK and other parts of the world. The food was on point too. 

Brew Dog SoHo - 3/11/20

Brew Dog SoHo - 3/11/20

What a great first day in London! After returning to the hotel room we looked up current events around the world. France was in the phase of starting to cancel events for the next few days but the performance on March 14 that we had booked was still on the schedule. The best course of action at the time was to just get some rest and re-assess day by day. 

March 12

Sticking to the original plan, we woke up extra early and headed to the Tower of London for the 9 am opening! The first display we went to here were the Crown Jewels from the royal family. They had ALL the good stuff especially historical crowns and scepters. After seeing the jewels we scoped out the white castle that had armor and weapon displays. The Tower of London had so many exhibits that every time you entered one it put you further away from the exit! From certain vantage points in the tower, you can also see the world famous Tower Bridge also.

Tower of London - 3/12/20

Tower of London - 3/12/20

White Tower at Tower of London - 3/12/20

White Tower at Tower of London - 3/12/20

The next stop on the journey was Sky Garden. Sky Garden is one of the worlds highest gardens on top of a high rise building. From the top of the garden, you can get a high up 360 degree view of London. There were also cafes and bars for people to spend an extended period of time here.

Sky Garden - 3/12/20

Sky Garden - 3/12/20

Sky Garden - 3/12/20

Sky Garden - 3/12/20

One of Natalie’s favorite “hobbies” is shopping - this meant a trip to the world famous department store Harrods in Knightsbridge. This is hands down the biggest store I’ve ever seen with 6 levels of shops over an entire square block. If you combined 2 huge malls into one store, this is what you get. The most fascinating thing was each clothing designer or brand had their own mini section within the shops where you could get service on-demand unlike in the US where one person covers an entire section of the store. 

Hours of “shopping” left us hungry and we wanted to try some authentic British fish and chips. A quick Google search brought us to Golden Union Fish Bar where they proceed to serve us a whole fish fillet. I was totally expecting little fish bites. The food was delicious!

Golden Union Fish and Chips - 3/12/20

Golden Union Fish and Chips - 3/12/20

The nighttime had the Royal Ballet’s Swan Lake in store for our view pleasure at the Royal Opera House after a pregame drink at Punch and Judy around the corner. Our seats were in the amphitheater which gave some great sight lines of the stage. The performance was one of the best ballet performances I have seen where the dancers were synchronized like robots and the movements and choreography were nicely done. 

Royal Opera House for Swan Lake - 3/12/20

Royal Opera House for Swan Lake - 3/12/20

When we got home from the performance, thats when events in the United States started to unfold where travel from Europe back to the US announced (excluding the UK). It seemed liked France would be one of the next countries that would start closing non-essential services and go on lock down. We were supposed to hop on a Eurostar train the next day to head to Paris to continue the journey. In light of events, we decided to not proceed to Paris and rebook our return flights for Sunday 3/15 while this was still an available option. We would get to spend 2 more full days in London and then head back home ahead of the planned schedule.

March 13

Waking up in the morning, we learned that France closed down all museums and monuments. The Paris Opera ballet performance was also cancelled in light of recent events. There was a sense of relief that we had not continued our journey onto Paris. We checked out of our hotel and dropped off our bags at a boutique hotel Mimi’s in SoHo where we would be spending the next 2 nights.

Buckingham Palace was one of the stops on the list that we were able to finally see. There was a long walkway to the entrance of the palace surrounded by a park. In front of the palace there was some activity with the changing of the guards that was witnessed. Seeing this entrance in real life after seeing it in the news and television so many times was amazing. Around the back end of the palace was the Royal Mews exhibit which displayed all the coaches and carriages used by the Queen. The grande finale of the Mews was an all gold carriage!

Buckingham Palace - 3/13/20

Buckingham Palace - 3/13/20

Golden Carriage at Royal Mews - 3/13/20

Golden Carriage at Royal Mews - 3/13/20

Close by to the Royal Mews was a famous bakery Peggy Porschen that specialized in cupcakes and sweet treats. We grabbed a cake slice to go from there and navigated our way through the busy Victoria Station back to SOHO to scope out the Liberty Department Store which was made out of old ships. Liberty was nice to see but no where as extravagant as Harrods. All the walking tired us out and it was time for food. Around the corner from Liberty was a pub called The Clachan that served traditional British Pie’s and had many beers on casks. The pies were extra yummy and way better than the pot pies available in the states.

The Clachan Pie’s - 3/13/20

The Clachan Pie’s - 3/13/20

The Clachan Pie’s - 3/13/20

The Clachan Pie’s - 3/13/20

Checking into our hotel, a much needed nap was on deck. This hotel room was 75 square feet! It’s exactly what I thought a London hotel room would be. Both Natalie and I are comfortable in working with small spaces so this wasn’t a big deal.

Dinner that evening was Brew Dog Seven Dials. This was a different Brew Dog location from the previous time and the inside had a different layout and beer selections. The crazy thing is everything closes at 11 pm or midnight on the weekends in the UK besides Night Clubs. 

March 14

Near our hotel was a coffee shop called Insomnia coffee inside a Primark store. We were able to have tea cakes for the first time and they did not disappoint. It reminded me of a cranberry bagel meeting a muffin. The Primark store had lots of Harry Potter merch which Natalie had her best shopping journey of the trip. 

Insomnia Tea Cake - 3/14/20

Insomnia Tea Cake - 3/14/20

Next up was a visit to St. Paul’s Cathedral with multilevel viewings of the main floor, crypt, and 2 galleries that overlooked the city. I was really glad we were able to see St. Paul’s too as it was one of the most wonderful buildings I have stepped foot in. The climb to the galleries felt never ending but the views they offered were breathtaking. 

View from 2nd gallery at St Pauls - 3/14/20

View from 2nd gallery at St Pauls - 3/14/20

St Paul’s entrance - 3/14/20

St Paul’s entrance - 3/14/20

After a few hours of St. Paul’s the world famous Millennium Bridge was nearby and was calling for us to cross it! I’ve seen this bridge in so many films and photographs so it was surreal to walk across it.

Millennium Bridge - 3/14/20

Millennium Bridge - 3/14/20

On the opposite end of the bridge, there was a walkway on the river that passed by the Shakespeare Globe theater - we didn’t get to go inside but was able to admire it still. At the end of the path was a public marketplace called Borough Market where may vendors sold foods and goods similar to the Liberty Public Market in San Diego. We tried hot juice for the first time there and it was yummy. You could tell that this market place didn’t get the memo of COVID-19 yet as it was jammed packed and food items were easily touchable and in sneeze distance. 

Brewery hopping was the next item on the list for the day. We hopped on a bus that brought us a warehouse/storage unit district of exactly where you’d expect to find the breweries at. The first stop we visited was Cloudwater which is ranked top 8 in the world for breweries. I tried a variety of their selections and get some cans to go. 

Cloudwater Brewing 3/14/20

Cloudwater Brewing 3/14/20

My friend from college Chris and his girlfriend also met up as we were leaving Cloudwater. They came into town from Reading which is just outside of London for a concert that evening. Together we all walked to The Kernel Brewery which had a bunch of great fruited Saison’s. I also got some to-go here also to bring back to the states. The Kernel was ranked 11th best brewery in the world in 2019. After some indulging it was time to part ways for the next portion of the day.

The Kernel Brewery - 3/14/20

The Kernel Brewery - 3/14/20

Guess what we had in store for the evening? Harry Potter the play! We were able to snag tickets the night before to this famous show. I was never a Harry Potter fan growing up not being able to get past the first 10 pages of the first book - I did enjoy the play though and was able to follow along with Natalie giving me some backstory. After the play, we had to go back to Brew Dog SoHo again for some beer and food!

Harry Potter the play - 3/14/20

Harry Potter the play - 3/14/20

Getting back to our hotel and finding out the latest world news, the UK was being included in the travel ban to the US, but luckily we were getting out before Tuesday when the ban would start. London was still business as usual the entire day with some of the breweries taking extra precautions for service but overall you could not tell that anything was happening in the world outside of this city. 

March 15

The day had finally come to return to the US after an extended London trip. We hopped on the tube for an hour journey back to the Heathrow airport. Things at the airport didn’t seem too out of the ordinary. The American Airlines agents were screening passengers that didn’t have US passports more heavily given the travel bans in place if they visited China or the rest of Europe. On our flight back home the pilots announced that we would need to fill out a CDC health questionnaire for enhanced screening once we landed in Los Angeles after customs. Some previous internet researched showed that in Dallas these additional screenings were taking an additional 6 to 7 hours to get out the airport. We braced ourselves for the worst case scenario.

Once we landed we did our custom declarations digitally at the the stations lined up, picked up our luggage and went to the appropriate immigration line. The airport staff separated the US citizens and non-US citizen lines. From the looks of it the non-US line was long and had additional health screenings. The US immigration line went pretty quickly and once we spoke to the CBP officer for 10 seconds, she basically said have a nice day barely checking our documents. The next thing you know we were exiting the airport without ever getting health screened. The time from airport de-board to on the shuttle to the parking lot was 30 minutes. We hopped in my car and drove back to San Diego which took less than 2 hours.

Our journey was complete and had very few hiccups along the way besides the re-plan mid trip. I am glad that we went on our trip and got to experience many of the sights of London before the world shut down. As I am typing this today, London finally caught up to the rest of the world and is in a similar situation as us in the US. We were always just a few days ahead of the situation when we were out there and everything seemed to have worked out accordingly to get us home in a safe and timely manner.

The history of DJ Quanson

I thought today would be a good opportunity to share some stories about my life with you. One of the stages in my life was my DJ career that probably spanned a solid 5 years where I went by the name “DJ Quanson”. I know there are some of you out there who have seen me play live or heard about what I previously did through casual conversations. Here is a brief history behind this venture and where I currently am today with DJ Quanson. Pictures included in this summary too!

Growing up, I was always a big fan of music - listening, playing in a band, going to shows. My favorite genres have always been punk rock, metal, and hardcore since as early as I can remember. Around 2010 I started listening to electronic music quite a bit on Sirius XM BPM. This was probably the time when DJ’s started to become mainstream. Being the dreamer I am, I asked the question - why aren’t there more DJ’s out there who mix the music I like to listen to and not all the “mainstream” stuff. I wanted to hear some punk rock and metal thrown together! I decided to make that happen myself.

November 2014 I ordered my Pioneer DDJ-SB DJ controller to mess around on my Mac mini desktop. I remember the first groups I tried mixing together were Northlane, Knucke Puck, The Story So Far, Enter Shikari, Arhitects, etc. I’m sure you haven’t heard of any of these groups but I had a blast doing so! Around the same time. I put out a few mixes on back when that was the way to broadcast live mixes to the world. I had some selections of electronic music but not too much around this time.

November 2014 - First practice DJ Setup

November 2014 - First practice DJ Setup

Word got around that I had a DJ controller in 2015 and I was asked to play a private casino night event at board room of an apartment complex. Of course I wanted to give this a shot and try something new! At this time I didn’t have ANY equipment besides my controller and Mac mini. I borrowed lights, computer monitors, a sound system to pull this event off. The biggest problem was I didn’t have any MAINSTREAM music that a general audience would want to hear. Like most instances, its who you know and not what you know. Luckily I had a friend who was a DJ around town that let me use his music library for this event. I didn’t really know any of the songs and could barely beat-match properly at this time. I ended up performing at the event and it went well and I learned so much about performing.

June 2015 - First DJ gig with mostly borrowed equipment.

June 2015 - First DJ gig with mostly borrowed equipment.

After the casino night event I felt lots of momentum moving forward. This was when I decided to brand myself as DJ Quanson. The name Quanson comes from my college fraternity days where there were multiple Michael’s in our organization so we would all be referred to by last name. Quanson was one of the names I was referred to by some close friends so I decided I would carry that forward. I wanted to create a logo but didn’t know anything about graphic design at the time. Once again its about who you know, so I had a friend create the logo you see below.

August 2015 - First and only logo

August 2015 - First and only logo

Around this time of getting my “brand” up and running I decided to purchase a laptop computer so I didn’t have to borrow as much equipment to get my mobile setup up and running. I was also asked to play at one of my friends pool parties which would allow me to casually experiment with new techniques and songs.

August 2015 - Summer pool party

August 2015 - Summer pool party

After the pool party, I was asked to play another casino night - same organizers and spot as my first event. This time I was more prepared with my laptop and lighting although I still borrowed a sound system. I remember at this event having an active dance floor in front of me which was an awesome feeling that people were “feeling” off the music I was playing.

September 2015 - Casino Night 2.0

September 2015 - Casino Night 2.0

After this second casino night event I felt great about my new found DJ career. I was then asked by a friend to perform at an Oktoberfest event at the Tin Roof, a bar downtown San Diego. Of course I accepted the event, but was extremely nervous since this is the first time I would be playing in front of complete strangers on an actual stage. For this event I actually did lots of preparation of a song list and mixing strategies. I actually got people on the dance floor for this event too which was awesome. After this event I realized that my go-to specialty tunes were late 90’s early 00’s pop hits - a complete departure from punk rock and metal.

October 2015 - Oktoberfest at Tin Roof, San Diego

October 2015 - Oktoberfest at Tin Roof, San Diego

Things were on a roll here it seemed. I was referred to others to perform a Halloween party in Pacific Beach at the Night Owl bar. Not many people can say they’ve DJ’ed at this fine establishment. This was when I knew I needed to get more equipment - my own huge speakers, more lights, more everything. I had a blast doing this event and it was really fun to perform on the busiest night in Pacific Beach.

October 2015 - Halloween at the Night Owl in Pacific Beach.

October 2015 - Halloween at the Night Owl in Pacific Beach.

At this point I thought I’d be done for the year with the holidays coming up…Think again! I was referred to play a private event at the world famous Razor House in La Jolla. Alicia Keys currently owns this house. I stepped it up even more this time and got bigger speakers. This was the probably one of the coolest events I was able to play.


2015 was finally over with lots of momentum heading into 2016. I was then asked to play my first wedding at a winery. I had never done a wedding before but was up for the challenge. Preparing the playlist for each portion of the evening and following a set time line was probably the biggest portion of the wedding. The stakes were really high too because any sort of mess up could ruin the couples special day. We went back and forth a few times with all the songs the couple wanted for each portion of the ceremony and reception and everything turned out perfectly with no hiccups! First wedding under my belt complete.

April 2016 - Winery wedding in Ramona, CA

April 2016 - Winery wedding in Ramona, CA

After my first wedding, in the summer of 2016 I ended up doing my first house warming party, then another small backyard wedding.

July 2016 - House warming party

July 2016 - House warming party

July 2016 - Backyard wedding

July 2016 - Backyard wedding

After the summer of 2016, I did a night time pool party. This was when I acquired a bunch of new music to experiment with which gave me new energy and variety to keep it interesting. I also was able to do the Oktoberfest event at the Tin Roof once again. Things were starting to get stale around this period of time for me as many of the events I was doing used a similar set of music and I no longer got the “nerves” prior to each event. Everything was still “cool” but nothing really excited me like it did in the first place.

September 2016 - Night time pool party

September 2016 - Night time pool party

October 2016 - Oktoberfest at Tin Roof, San Diego

October 2016 - Oktoberfest at Tin Roof, San Diego

In November 2016, I also got another interesting opportunity to just throw up some speakers and hit play on a pre-set playlist at the San Diego Air and Space Museum. One of my favorite parts of each event was always seeing how the space was set up and the organizer letting me be a part of their experience.

November 2016 - Air and Space Museum event

November 2016 - Air and Space Museum event

Also in November of 2016, I was able to do another wedding of 2 of my good friends that were getting married in San Diego. This wedding was beautiful and I was so glad to be a part of the couples special day. At this point, I had all my equipment and setups optimized so little prep work needed to be put into an event. At this time I felt like DJ Quanson was slowly winding down too and this was a great way to slowly put this business to rest.

November 2016 - San Marcos Wedding

November 2016 - San Marcos Wedding

At this point if I wanted to DJ again, I wanted it to be a fun event where I could show up throw on some tunes and have a good time rather than lots of expectations from the client. What better way to do that than a one-off house party.

February 2017 - Masquerade House party

February 2017 - Masquerade House party

I ended up putting DJ Quanson to sleep for the almost the rest of 2017 as it no longer “Sparked Joy” in my life at this time period and I didn’t see much happening in the future. I felt really satisfied with what I accomplished and the events I was able to perform at. There was always one thing that I never got to do though…..DJ a Night Club. At the end of 2017, I was asked to do event at Fluxx Nightclub downtown San Diego - I couldn’t say no to this one! After dusting off the equipment and getting a refresh in music I was able to execute the event and felt extremely satisfied at the end of it. There’s nothing cooler than being the source of infinite bass in a super packed club where people are having a fun night out. I ended up doing this same event in 2018 also!

December 2017 - Fluxx Nightclub

December 2017 - Fluxx Nightclub

December 2018 - Fluxx Nightclub San Diego

December 2018 - Fluxx Nightclub San Diego

In the summer of 2019 after performing the Konmari method on my home, I made the conscious decision that DJing was no longer really a part of my current lifestyle and future life. I sold off almost all of my mobile DJ equipment (speakers, lights, cables, etc.) I ended up keeping my DJ Controller and a few lights in case I wanted to have a fun moment or another unique opportunity popped up where I could plug into someone else’s sound system. All in all, I had some great times over the 5 years of doing it - there is a time and place for each and everything in our lives and we must always keep moving forward with the next adventure!

Live Where Your Lifestyle Is

We all get a choice for the location that we call home. At the end of the day a combination of priorities lead us to make that decision for one reason or another.

I made the conscious choice of making the neighborhood of Pacific Beach in San Diego my home as it suited the lifestyle I want to live. I highly value the always perfect temperature, walkability to goods and services, proximity to the Pacific Ocean, and especially the culture of everyone out here having an active lifestyle. I’ve been a resident here for over 7 years now and it never gets old.

Prior to moving here, I lived in the sleepy and “family/educational friendly” neighborhood of Poway, CA - this is where my day job is also located. Although my daily commute was only 9 minutes each way through the city streets and the people were friendly, something just didn’t feel right. Growing up it seemed like it was the norm for everyone to eventually live in the suburbs and buy a “house” with a million bedrooms, large backyard, and multiple vehicles. None of these items were ever important to me and I was going down that path because that’s what society deemed normal.

I used to struggle with the concept of what I “should” do versus what actually made me happy. In 2013 I finally made the conscious choice of leaving the societal “safe choice” behind and pursue that active lifestyle I always wanted. I ended up financially paying more for “less” but I definitely got what I wanted and am extremely happy to live out here. Who needs a backyard when the ocean is right there? Who needs a million rooms when i’m hardly at my home? Who needs multiple cars when I can just walk everywhere? Why drive to the gym when the journey down the street is part of the exercise?

Now I want you (the reader of this) to think about where you currently live and what compelled you to make that decision to do so. Is the location the lifestyle you want to live? If it isn’t, what’s stopping you from making a plan or taking action? Food for thought.

Bonus photo that I took during my run today of Pacific Beach from the pier:

Photo of Pacific Beach from the Pier 2/21/20 1:06 PM

Photo of Pacific Beach from the Pier 2/21/20 1:06 PM

Keeping tidy and organized on the road (plus vacation photos!)

I recently got back from a destination wedding in Cancun where one of my best friends Colin got married to his new wife Tara. I am so happy for them! I’ll post a few photos below from the event. The biggest thing I realized on this trip was that even though I was not at “home”, I treated the hotel room with same mindset as my own home — Everything item has a home…and it’s not my suitcase!

I packed enough possessions in my carryon suitcase for a 6 day trip including wedding attire, workout attire, pool attire, Go Pro/camera equipment, sunblock to last a lifetime, etc. The first thing I did when I arrived at the hotel room was to unpack all the items and assigned them a new home in the closet, nightstand, bathroom, and workspace desk. I did all this unpacking and home assigning without even thinking twice - Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method is engrained in my head! This allowed my 6 day hotel room to feel very comfortable and not a disorganized temporary living situation.

On past vacations and work trips prior to me jumping into this home organization lifestyle, I would basically live out of my suitcase and keep everything (clean/dirty) in there. I never knew why I always felt unsettled in new living environments and it was because I wasn’t able set it up comfortably to live in - no matter how few possessions I brought with me on the road.

Give it a shot next time you are on the road. Unpack your entire suitcase and assign “homes” for each of the items.

Here are some photos from the wedding and trip - Enjoy!

The Path of Least Resistance

The. Path. Of. Least. Resistance. This is what is stopping us from exploring our potential and reaching for our dreams. Have you ever thought about what you’ve always wanted to do or try but have found some reason to take no action? Our minds seem to naturally take the path of least resistance which is little to no action at all. Hopping out of our comfort zones is a very difficult thing to do but could lead to many great things.

I think I’ve always had a mind that always took action when I had an idea in order to explore what it could be. Many of them I can chalk up leading to some fun such as learning how to do embroidery or trying to start a BBQ rub and spice company. Some ideas really took off though such as buying my first DJ controller to mix my favorite genres of music (metal/punk) which lead to me being a professional DJ in San Diego.

The biggest one obviously is taking the Marie Kondo certification training course which has lead me to becoming a Professional Home Organizer. When the signup’s for the Los Angeles training course went live, the first thing that went into my mind was “I need to do this because it’s something I want to try and would regret if I didn’t do it.” I’m really glad that I did take action on this and attended. I learned so much about home organization using the Marie Kondo method and met a great community of diverse people from all over the world that I can call friends.

At the end of the day I could have easily wrote off many ideas as “ehh that’ll never work”, but they were all learning experiences that have helped me grow into the person I am today. Think about something you’ve always wanted to do and figure out how to do it. Don’t let the path of least resistance stop you!


Bringing this site to life!

Back a few months ago when I decided to attend the KonMari™ certification course in Los Angeles I had no idea how that would make an impact to my life. As I was going through KonMari Method™ with one of my clients, she had asked if I took referrals and how potential clients could get a hold of me. There was also another instance around the same time where one of my oldest friends knew of people who were interested in services like this also and wanted to connect me. At this time my primary goal was to work with my current client in order to achieve certification so forecasting future business was not in the cards at the time.

In order to help as many people as possible, I knew I needed a website where people could find me and contact me. The site has been in the works for months now where I want the content to represent myself and my brand. Everything you see and read here is as authentic as it comes with all the quirks and imperfections that is life.
